I was actually looking this up the other day regarding ducks, and had trouble finding an actual answer. What’s the difference between a breeding male, a non breeding male, and a juvenile male? They each look different, but why? Can an individual bird/duck go through phases of each? Somebody please info dump! Links greatly appreciated too!
Is this like celibate monks or something?
“’Non-breeding’ plumage can mean any plumage that is not the plumage birds have moulted into specifically for the breeding season. (Some birds only moult once a year so at breeding time, their plumage is the same as the rest of the year, others have an additional moult early Spring into smarter feathers). So ‘non-breeding’ can mean an adult in winter plumage or an immature bird that has not yet reached maturity but as applied to birds that normally moult twice a year. Adult Birds moult out of their breeding plumage from around July onwards into a winter plumage. Usually it’s a lot more drab and less colourful than breeding plumage.” -Deb Burhinus BirdForum.net
I would also accept “bussy professional”
Yes! Busy! Of course, I’m too busy! Yep, busy, busy, busy, that’s totally me! Yyyup!