• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • “’Non-breeding’ plumage can mean any plumage that is not the plumage birds have moulted into specifically for the breeding season. (Some birds only moult once a year so at breeding time, their plumage is the same as the rest of the year, others have an additional moult early Spring into smarter feathers). So ‘non-breeding’ can mean an adult in winter plumage or an immature bird that has not yet reached maturity but as applied to birds that normally moult twice a year. Adult Birds moult out of their breeding plumage from around July onwards into a winter plumage. Usually it’s a lot more drab and less colourful than breeding plumage.” -Deb Burhinus BirdForum.net

  • Hey OP, thanks for taking him to see a doctor. Your local vet should charge A LOT less for treatment than an emergency clinic would. My advice as someone who works at a general practice is to be completely honest about what you can afford. There’s a wide spectrum of care from full anesthesia and wound cleaning to more conservative management with medications and the vet can discuss what the best options are. I really feel for you and the stress you must be feeling right now.