
  • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    21 days ago

    Maybe your view of yourself is accurate, but if coworkers aren’t saying anything and it’s not showing on your evals, then maybe it’s just all in your head?

    No one knows any context, but just ask your supervisor if you can get some honest feedback on any areas you need to improve.

    Imposter syndrome is a real thing, and so is just feeling inadequate for no reason. Sometimes people rate themselves too highly, sometimes the opposite.

  • SerotoninSwells@lemmy.world
    21 days ago

    Please forgive me because after a really shitty day at work I’m going to be direct and say “it’s not you.” I don’t know you or your work situation, but I have worked with so many people that felt this way. I feel this way sometimes too. I think a lot of people on Lemmy will say they feel this way at times. Hell I bet your coworkers feel this sometimes too.

    Work sucks. It sucks more than ever too. Most companies are running on skeleton crews. Someone leaves, takes a sick day, or takes PTO, and the whole thing falls apart. You’re still expected to somehow optimize through all of this instead of the company hiring additional people.

    Fuck that. You’re awesome because you show up and do your job through all the bullshit. I have worked with people that don’t always put up the best “metrics”, or whatever bullshit measurement your middle manager uses to make themselves look good, but those folks brought other soft skills to the team that made the day better.

    You’re human. Vent. Rant. Be upset. Feel your feelings. We all know the current situation sucks and no one can blame you for needing to get it off your chest. More people need to speak up and point out how shitty it is because it’s just getting worse.

    Anyway, if you want someone to vent with then DM me and we can complain together, maybe start a riot or something.

  • Audacious@sh.itjust.works
    21 days ago

    I don’t know about your medical or financial situation, but maybe look into talking to a therapist to vent. They are paid to listen and give advice that could help. Venting is better than bottling up.

  • TheDannysaur@lemmy.world
    21 days ago

    Totally agree with others about therapy. When I went, I used it as a sort of emotional dumping ground. My therapist helped me through some pieces but honestly listened a lot. I know the payment part of therapy is viewed negatively… I viewed it as a huge positive. I’m paying this person and so it doesn’t have to be an equal conversation. If I need to vent for 45 minutes straight, I can do that, and they are compensated for that time.

    In reality, I was doing the same thing to friends and family, but I’d only get 30% out at any given time, and so I just spread it around. Getting therapy helped me lessen the amount I needed to vent (some techniques help you work through things) and also have me a central location. It made me a far better husband and friend.