Lowest panel should be the wake up alarm. My mornings have been so much better since using a talk radio station as a morning alarm. This is so much gentler than waking up to a blaring alarm noise. It’s quite pleasant having soft vocal sounds for waking up, and then lying in bed for 5 min listening to the radio rather than bashing snooze and sleeping again to wake up groggy to a blaring bell in 5min.
The thing that I love the most about my watch is that it wakes me up in the morning just by doing a vibration on my wrist. I can set an alarm for early in the morning and jt wont even wake my partner
Lowest panel should be the wake up alarm. My mornings have been so much better since using a talk radio station as a morning alarm. This is so much gentler than waking up to a blaring alarm noise. It’s quite pleasant having soft vocal sounds for waking up, and then lying in bed for 5 min listening to the radio rather than bashing snooze and sleeping again to wake up groggy to a blaring bell in 5min.
See my alarm is so purposefully blaring loud just so that I can’t go back to sleep after it’s went off
The thing that I love the most about my watch is that it wakes me up in the morning just by doing a vibration on my wrist. I can set an alarm for early in the morning and jt wont even wake my partner
What if I use Don’t Stop (Wiggle Wiggle) by The Outhere Brothers?
(Sorry I don’t use pipe tube and stuff. I’m working on it)