Confronted with the likelihood that we cannot achieve climate goals, confront socioeconomic inequality, and ultimately build a better world without significant personal sacrifice: How much are you personally capable and willing to lose? I mean this in the most earnest way possible. Acknowledging the likely possibility of working for an unethical organization while simultaneously supporting family who rely on you financially. Do you believe the amount we can and will bear aligns with the amount we must bear?
This comes across as sort of like something the ancients would do. Sacrifice a lamb, a baby, 10 women, a man into a volcano, I mean who are you sacrificing to for what return? Lent has the same vibe, but more about atonement. I think what the bottom line is- is a feeling of desperation to shout it out and be heard as a community looking for answers. Maybe you will find them? I always wondered if the ancients ever did?