• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023

  • My dental hygienist told me that the best tools for cleaning your gums are wooden toothpicks.

    the second best are the interdental cleaners.

    The worst are the plastic toothpicks and the dental floss.

    I’ve been using a combination of the wooden toothpicks and interdental cleaners for a few years and they are game changing.

    Also use a good electric toothbrush and an tongue scraper.

    An electric toothbrush gets into the places in between your teeth that a normal brush can’t get to and an tongue scraper is a game changer for the smell of your breathe overall.

    Take good care of your teeth and gums. Brush 2 times a day, clean your gums at least 1 time a day and scrape your tongue.

    Bad dental hygiene and no gum cleaning whatsoever will lead to receding gums and may lead in extreme cases to periodontitis .

    Receding gums are a real thing and when they happen they DO NOT grow back. Your roots of your teeth will be exposed which are a pain in the ass itself.

    Bad dental hygiene and no gum cleaning will also lead to deeper “gum pockets” which can lead to periodontitis. Look up what that means for your teeth and gums and you will start taking care of your mouth flora like a possessed being.

    I am not a dentist of any kind, a few years ago I just really took an interest in dental health and tried to educate myself about the subject for a few weeks.

    Correct me where I am wrong or if you want to elaborate on something, be my guest ;)!

  • It is Random chance.

    I have read your comments;

    “I think it’s probably doomed. It’ll never overtake reddit. But, it’ll be a nice, quiet, alternative.”

    No one knows if it is doomed.

    You have to start somewhere but you can’t expect a platform that has seen an huge influx of users the past weeks to immediately operate on the scale of what Reddit does.

    “I humbly apologize for my personal, speculative, opinion about the unknowable future. The downvotes have made me realize my math was wrong, my opinion is wrong, and I am wrong. My corrected opinion is that Lemmy will overtake Meta, Mastadon, Twitter, and Google (wtf is reddit!?), and every upvote will be worth $1000, making everyone rich! Or, we can have fun guessing, and wait and see how things go. I hope they go well!”

    Who is claiming the above?

    The fun thing is that Mastodon is in your list and before the fuckery with Twitter it didn’t really have traction.

    Why can’t lemmy/Kbin be the same in a year from now?

    The problem for Reddit, is that it made people actually look for alternatives. It is stupid for a competitor to make it’s customers aware of the competition, but Reddit did exactly that.

    Maybe it flops, maybe it stays “niche”, maybe it explodes in popularity.

    I think it is indeed random chance and just being at the right place at the right time.

  • Should we care that other people still use reddit?

    Do you have to chose one or the other?

    Why are people so hell bent to “take over” Reddit?

    I found an alternative in Kbin and Lemmy that suits my needs and focuses on user experience and growing communities instead of growing the pockets of a handful of people.

    I decide to not use Reddit anymore because the upper echelon can go fuck themselves.

    Is it so weird to have a set of values and stop using a service/product, because they cross the boundaries one has set for themselves?

    I have used Reddit for more than a decade and I haven’t missed it all.

    I am here because I enjoy it and not because I have a deeper desire for Reddit to evaporate out of nowhere.

  • The black out is still happening right now.

    There are subs who are blacking out indefinitely still.

    But I don’t know what people expected to happen after 48 hours?

    The subreddits who participated already told that it was a “warning shot” and new actions were to be taken accordingly after.

    And r/all is not Reddit.

    r/all is the tumor of Reddit itself. It is the instagram and facebook equivalant of the “feed page”. It doesn’t define what makes Reddit…Reddit.

    Again something that RIF did for me, it made r/all bearable to scroll through.

    It are the communities underneath who provide advice, information and a sense of comradery who define Reddit.

    When those communities leave, then you can fasten your seatbelts.

    Reddit and it’s userbase are not gonna survive of what is happening on r/all.

    It will be a marathon and we should probably see in a year or maybe 2 if what is happening was effective.