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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 12th, 2023

  • I lived/worked in Yellowstone in Mammoth.

    I’ll still talk about running into two black bear cubs with a group of coworkers (friendly after shift hike, well traveled area, etc) and realizing, after the cuteness faded that we didn’t know where mama bear was. Thankfully, she made herself known and we went back the way we came.

    Then, a second tale, I was taking a tour bus ride around the park (so I could sell the experience from the hotel front desk) and the BUS was attacked by a grizzly. Fucker kept up with us and damaged a tire. Thankfully, when the tire went the noise scared off the grizzly.

    Then there is finding a fresh wolf kill, and realize there were enough remains for it to be a problem for us.

    Or the time we hiked to a mountain, climbed it up the side (trails were snowed out) and went down the other side, just to hitch hike back (encouraged in the park both by staff and park rangers) with a Nat Geo photographer. Got to see great raw close up shots of bison and red dogs (baby bison).

    Memorable, but the living situation didn’t work for me. I wouldn’t do it again, but I am VERY glad I did it.

  • Case@lemmynsfw.comtoGreentext@sh.itjust.worksAnon knows what he likes
    25 days ago

    I don’t recognize this, but it looks like the dude is “working” something shady.

    I wouldn’t wanna risk being stuck in a bathroom because I ate something local and don’t have the antibodies to deal with it.

    McDs is processed crap, shipped globally, with local favorites mostly avoidable. Its a safe bet. Plus, you can eat once and have your 2000 calories met for the day in 10 minutes.

  • Longest it took…

    I was in a “study hall” type class in fourth grade. The teacher ran out of material after a couple weeks. So she decided to read The Hobbit out loud to the class while we worked on homework, other quiet activities, or slept. Really, don’t give her problems, won’t be problems.

    I had already started The Hobbit on my own. At the time it was considered college level reading, so not too shabby. So, I continued reading (first time on The Hobbit) and finished WAY before the rest of the class listened. Because duh, a quick mental reader VS a teacher doing voices? No shit, Sherlock.

    A girl who sat next to me (assigned seating) brushed the hair out of her eyes, blinked expressively a few times with direct eye contact, and said I must be “one of those cool nerds;” I suppose because I finished before Bilbo left the Shire.

    It took me until college to realize. I vaguely remember considering her “kinda cute.” I could have, and in the future sure did, worse.

  • Step one: Buy a few firearms, for different scenarios (which should be easier under Trump sigh)

    Step two: Go to work, home, and limit unnecessary errands, order for delivery more.

    Step three: Practice marksmanship with various firearms. I have a country, but sane, friend of the family with a shooting range on her land.

    Step four: Hunker down in my deep red state, because I hold non-christian belief’s and I won’t recant them on pain of death. Not because my beliefs “protect” me, but because as an American, I believe in freedom of religion and I’ll die a proud American before I die as a Christian, my belief’s don’t matter compared to that. The protection of those belief’s does.

  • Pretty sure checking a post on their site, say for a BG3 build idea, doesn’t constitute abuse.

    The powers that be sacrificed their only value, their user base, to make money quick. We’ll see how it plays out long term, but I’ve moved away from social media. My lemmy use is only on my desktop at this point, and I get precious little time at it, so most of it isn’t spent on lemmy.

  • As an American, fuck yes, absolutely, 100%.

    As a Texan, fuck yes, absolutely, 1000%.

    The wife and I are already considering leaving the state. Prices for everything are rising to ridiculous levels.

    An apartment I could have afforded on my own a decade ago would require three incomes, and the neighborhoods are no less violent and crime ridden. Food deserts, lack of health care options, lack of gainful employment in that geographic area, all deterrents to paying more than I do now for a mortgage.

    If I thought I had the skills and wherewithal to strike out and homestead I would. Alas, I do not.

    I long to leave “the grid,” but require medication to function as a normal human being. As such, I am beholden to the system. I must cooperate against my better interest to attain medication to live. I am, for lack of a better term, a slave to it.

    Before anyone comes in calling a race card play, or any other shit, I am a cis het white male. In theory, I am the problem, and yet I suffer the same.

    I decided at the age of seven that life, as we know it, was not worth living. 30 some odd years later, that has not changed.

  • I like that, I really do.

    Batman is a genius, in several realms, but as a tactician? MAN… With time to prepare, including ramming through scientific processes with just fucking CASH, he can probably could take on anyone.

    Surprise The Bat? Man, he’s fucking solid… Melee combatant, strategist, understanding of a WIDE field of practices, he is fucking GOOD.

    That being said, he is a MAN. Just a human being. GREAT training, GREAT tech, GREAT strategy… but still, something alien to his understanding (not necessarily extra terrestrial in origin) and he gets fucked.

    That being said, Batman exemplifies the powers of the human MIND. If we can assess it, HUMANITY can provide a short term solution. Long term, we can fuck ourselves. Short term though? We can kill God, gods, etc.

    Batman represents humanity, as a mental construct, at its peak. We can take in, digest, and provide useful solutions to solve a problem. Again, short term. We rarely plan past a generation or two.

  • I’m currently off my bipolar meds, against my will. Insurance change required a doctor change, and finding anyone who was available within a months time was not possible.

    I need shit to get back to “normal” in my brain. I’m not doing well. I wasn’t before, but yeah…

    Only a couple more days until my appointment. I had one last week, and they sent me to the wrong place, coupled with a whole slew of other issues, and I said fuck em. Thankfully found someone the second time around pretty quickly.