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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • The gravity of mortality though probably didn’t even exist in her brain based on this story. Yeah no shit driving into a brick wall can kill you, she threatened that specifically. I guarantee the discourse here has prevented zero additional death-by-intentionally-driving-into-a-brick-wall murder stories. Nobody is becoming less dumb by pointing out how stupid this girl is, preventing another idiot from intentionally driving into a wall in order to control her codependent relationship. It’s not endemic and pointing out how brains develop and where this girl was at is not going to make it so. You aren’t preventing more death-by-driving-into-a-brick-wall copycat crimes of passion. Raising awareness about mental issues (including developmental stages) can help people prepare for and prevent their own tragedies better. Congrats though, thanks to you I will definitely not drive into a brick wall.

  • That’s not really implied by simply acknowledging that their brain isn’t developed yet, not sure why you are defensive about it like giving them keys to a death machine when they also clearly have had mental issues and haven’t gotten far along in their prefrontal cortex is a necessary rite of passage. There are a lot of possible angles to look at situations like this to consider how to fix them and blaming the people involved might be the easy answer but actual justice for society becomes more complicated. Nobody wants to deal with this story, and that’s the bottom line.