LegionEris [she/her]

Leading a one woman branch of the Erisian Liberation Front! In love with almost everything all the time.

  • 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 23rd, 2023


  • Right offhand, Rita Pfeiffer. There have been times where I was her only Spotify listener. Probably also nobody has heard of Knife the Puppets but me and my wife. My favorite musician at the moment is probably Ashley Virginia, a little known folk singer out of North Carolina. I’ve been obsessed with the Hushabyes since Lindsey Verril of Little Mazarn introduced them to the world. I’m getting a cassette player mostly for New New Sincerity, Lindsey’s label, but there are some cassettes I want from the Spinster Sounds collection.

    I’m sure I’ve seen some ultra rare movies, but I watch so much weird old trash that I have no idea how well known any of it is. I’ve seen Tales from the QuadeaD Zone twice. I follow Blood Tea and Red String on Instagram. I excited for the sequel. One of my all time favorite movies is a 1977 X-rated version of Cinderella with full song and dance numbers (a few of them genuinely fantastic!) and Sy Richardson as the fairy godmother.

    I guess I’m pretty into obscure stuff x_x

  • This is fairly common in both depression and ADHD, so maybe check on them? Like, make sure they are personally okay. Someone who needs to be consistently stimulated is probably uncomfortable at rest. Being bored all the time is something I struggle with personally. I have ADHD and depression and trauma. Addressing and working on those things helps immensely with the chronic boredom. When I’m more depressed or anxious, I’m more easily bored and crave more stimulation. So, yeah, play Ted Lasso and check in on them.

  • We call ours the centaurs who live upstairs sometimes. They’re just some college girls, definitely not disabled or anything. They make just as much noise flying up and down the stairs sometimes. They’re definitely louder than anyone else who has ever lived above or below us. I think they legit do some sort of dance or exercise routine because sometimes it’s very regular, rhythmic. Idk it’s happy sounds. Happy neighbors having a good time don’t usually bother me, no matter how noisy they are. I’m sure I have a limit, but noisy walking and the occasional party isn’t gonna get me there.

  • You have no idea how much weed I possess. If it gets a human medicated or intoxicated, it’s not a waste to me. I keep spare mediocre weed on hand to give away for free sometimes I don’t like daytime THC, and I don’t smoke and drive, but my wife often wants or needs THC to be in crowded or busy public locations or events.

  • Yeah, if anyone has “replaced” TMG, it’s Diane Cluck. She’s my shaman, and while I never used that phrasing with John, TMG got me through some dark, hard times. Diane Cluck is definitely a better overall shaman, though. I’m gonna cook our decorative balcony pumpkin before it can go bad because she suggested it. She nourishes me mind, soul, and body x_x