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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2024


  • like a cheap crappy plastic pair you’d get for free with a discman.

    You must be matured around my age talking about discmans like that. Although, The last “discman” i bought was a portable CD player, and wireless earbuds didn’t exist.

    This is crazy, according to wiki: “The Sony brand name for Discman changed to CD Walkman, initially for Japanese lineups launched between October 1997 and March 1998,[1] and then entirely in 2000. Discman and CD Walkman players were discontinued at the beginning of the 2010s when they lost popularity with the general public.”

    Makes me feel a little old…

  • … But no… First, we shouldn’t over generalize or stereotype. Although I’m sure some private schools are shit, most are better than shit public schools because they make a lot of money and can afford to higher teachers that aren’t inept… Occurrences like this are much less likely to happen in a private school. Nothing even close to that kinda shit happened in my private school. The kids I graduated with went to college and got a job. I also had many public school friends, and many of them didn’t go to college after high school. The ones that did go to college were much less prepared than their private school counterparts.

    I realize this is only my own personal experience, but there it is.

  • Half the things in your list are just wrong falsehoods.

    You, being oblivious to why Trump is a desired presidential candidate, is the symptom of isolation from opposing opinions. Likely from absorbing information only from social media, MM, and fellow democrats. It makes you unable to fathom perspectives not derived from these sources.

    I’ve mostly quit social media, including FB, reddit. Etc. For some reason, I can’t quit lemme, even though it’s a trash heap of ingorant opinions. I believe it may be because this is such a hot bed of socialist, communist, and Marxist rhetoric. It’s fascinating and extremely disturbing and at the same time. On one hand, people here worry about dark agent influences working on the American public, but they don’t understand this is where it’s happening, on social media. This is easy ground for anonymous agents with nefarious intent to sway opinion… anyway, I’m rambling now.

  • Letsdothis@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldEmpathic
    27 days ago

    Lol. You know what’s funny? This is the perfect public scooler answer. This is exactly what public education gets one… you found 2 random articles that support your beliefs, and you think it’s checkmate? Lolol. These articles are trash. I’m not going to waste my time anymore. I wish you could believe me, I have first-hand knowledge watching my public school friends become mechanics and such, no college. While nearly all my private school friends went to college after high school. The fact of the matter is that more private school kids go to college, get a degree, and earn more money. (You shouldn’t be so ready to have blind faith in a couple shitty websites.) Maybe our parents play a role in all of this. But class size matters. Quality teachers get paid more at private school. Hence, they’re smarter and better teachers because who pays more for a shitty teacher. These are objective issues.

    I fight a fools battle… I can’t believe you were so easily convinced public schools are just as good as private. That tells me you probably never even seen a private school. It would blow your tiny mind lol. Also I’ve experienced public school. Honestly, I feel fucking sorry for yall… you aren’t given the tools/skills/opportunities that private schools has.

    Yall have drained my energy… good job. Points for you.

  • Letsdothis@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldEmpathic
    27 days ago

    Lol. I comend you for coming like a white knight to try to stick up for your fellow state educated friend. Yet, you come with ad hominems, stating the obvious and fallacious comparisons. (Dictionary.com) there I helped.

    not all private schools are good

    Okay? I’m sure that is true, but it adds no weight to your “argument.” (You have no argument, just personal attacks)

    there’s places in the world where private schools are for kids that can’t get into the decent/good public schools.

    … The whole world, huh?

    The fact of the matter is that in general, private school kids get a better education than their public counter parts.

  • Letsdothis@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldEmpathic
    27 days ago


    In the heart of Russia’s cold expanse, Where shadows stretch and moments dance, A whisper grew into a roar, A call for change, a fierce uproar. Weiner

    The Kremlin’s walls, once firm and tall, Felt tremors from the people’s call. No longer would they live in fear, Their voices rising, bold and clear. Weiner

    From Moscow’s streets to far-off plains, The hunger for a shift remains. In unity, they stood as one, Their courage shining like the sun. Weiner

  • Letsdothis@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldEmpathic
    27 days ago

    Ma’am/sir, pardon me for being an ass… there are plenty of people who have gone to public school that have become smarter than I, most certainly. I’ve probably met a couple myself. I don’t think your assumption that most private schools are religious is true…

    Did you just completely fail at life and have to fall back on the fact you went to a private school to feel superior to others?

    No, I don’t usually tell others that I was private schooled. Doesn’t seem relevant usually. It’s weird, though. It seems very evident here on lemmy that most here were public schooled. It probably also has to do with the fact that it’s a very young crowd here. Anyway. Go in peace brother