Im an autist living in Poland, I also moderate the c/autism community here.
I dont see the 100 replies comment maybe it got removed.
isnt WP against the geneva convenit (they dont give a shit about that convention either way)
Europeian here, Wtf US? (no hate to citizens, im just asking what lead to this)
I have managed to fix it, thanks for the tips!
I have managed to fix it, thanks for the tips!
I thing i just phrased it wrong, i got the tools and a new connector.
I got the tools necesary but i have a problem aligning the small coloured wires into type A.
I have the tools and a fresh connector but my problem is that i cant align the wires proprerly, they end up in the wrong slots.
my first goal is to learn how networks work, and then once i learn the basics i want to host my own matrix server.
Do any of you have tips on how to have that happen less?
Hardware. There have been amazing developments over the years. But incredibly this has been mostly transparent to IT workers
I’d argue that hardwre has gotten worse over the years, at least in the ability to repair context.
I looove to see manmade horrors beyond my comprehension.
At least for me in Poland it asks for either a photo of my ID or my credit card info when i try to watch age restricted videos.
Inb4 this data gets leaked.
Google also already does this in the EU for age restricted videos on YT
Minecraft old username taken. Had use diffrent.
I was just asking a question, no hostility just a question.
When i see advertisments i always remember the line “advertising causes need” from the song Chic ‘N’ Stu. Majority of the time it works and i end up saving some money on stuff i dont need.
im having trouble setting it up. when i enter the ip into the dns slot in my network settings it does not work.