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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • WTF is actually up with these “civil warriors” who abstained? I live in TX and the general vibe is “if someone needs killin’ I’m down to do the deed.” Most people are generally willing to wade in to conflict if it happens upon them. How, TF, did these diaper-wearing sacks of tears manage to get their law enforcement credentials stamped?

    If I ran away from my duties at work I would be fired immediately. They trained on their roles extensively - “how to neutralize an armed adversary, how to defuse an armed conflict situation, how to…for fuck’s sake keep a child from being shot by an idiot.” Every one of these cowards are still employed - whaat, the actual fuck, is up with that?!!

  • I wrote it to automate my workflow - I’m in sales. I enter site details at the customer location and my app crunches the numbers to pre-fill all relevant documents (contract, financing, etc) in PDF form. I also use it as a presentation device to explain service and product details/specs using pictures, videos and PDF documents.

    No more paper, no more fiddling around with calculator and rate-cards. I do a little data entry and basically my job is done.

  • I’m going to be an outlier in my comment here but, for myself (an elderly dude who has done what you just did) I, personally, prefer to hire it done. You paid 2-3 hundred on parts and tools, put in 10+ hours of work and still have not got it working. I have come to appreciate the skill and ability of trades…they do that for a living - let them.

    I’m really good at my chosen trade and I laugh at those that think they can just do my job because the watched a YouTube video about it. I fix their problems every day and charge them no more than someone who didn’t fuck it up first because I can appreciate the effort but I don’t charge them less because they did part of the work incorrectly.

  • I am not in the tech field but I love coding and learning new languages. I have for the last 25 years. When my actual (blue collar) profession starts feeling drab or boring my mind naturally starts drifting to find some problem to solve or some way of automating things just to keep me happy and engaged.

    Batch scripts on MS/DOS, my first (floppy disk installed) Slackware box. REXX in OS/2. I worked through the animal books and played with Java, Perl, C - actually building tools that work and accomplish things.

    Diving in to a new language or project is like discovering a new author you didn’t know about and the hours of joy it will bring me are fantastic and fulfilling. I guess you could say my hobby is learning.

    I wrote a great iOS app to help me with things in my job and I use it all the time which saves me literally hours, making my work happier and more profitable. Best hobby ever and totally cheap too!

  • After reading the other replies I went back and re-read your post to check…you don’t mention a partner or any significant other. I think you might be focusing too hard inward (bad mood, cynical, walls up) and not focusing outward (cherishing interactions with others, forming or maintaining bonds with others). Perhaps you’re feeling lonely?

    I am a grump but my wife won’t let me get away with it for long. I am cynical but my friends call me on it because I force myself to share. My work puts me in contact with new people every day and I actively seek an understanding of them and have to let them see who I am in order to be good at my job.

    Another respondent said “put yourself out there”. I agree but would also add seek out interactions with others and be a participant not an observer.