Try different ones out. I personally avoid as there more pro capatilism and Oligarchy then other instances. And tend to block instances that are against capatilism and Oligarchy.
Try different ones out. I personally avoid as there more pro capatilism and Oligarchy then other instances. And tend to block instances that are against capatilism and Oligarchy.
Proton mail is mine because it’s easier then all th others and more features I need in it.
Are you saying we should shove homeless people who are statistically disabled into the front lines to be massacred? Wtf we need to protect them not murder them.
Is there any podcasts that are interesting that isn’t a cus her white guy?
The thought that I will be able to actually have things I need in life. Actually able the live without fear.
Was a weird hallucination. But still it happened once.
How much bootlicking and privilege do I have to have for these to work? If they come up to me and arrest me for existing, is that mean I did something wrong? What happens when they murder unarmed people for existing? Did they just not talk right?
Fuck this idiot never talk to cops about anything, learn your rights. Don’t ever fucking trust the fascist.
Remember kids cops are food not friends.
Waking up to being taken to a camp because I exist
I break rules all the time in the Amerikkkas! Just by existing
Yep my roommates and ex partners have all left this state and left me here. But thank you for trying. I have already tried everything I can physically and mentally and financially can do. Appreciate it though
Is this why I can’t stand horror movies, and find them really boring? Very interesting!
Have the same problem with aphantasia but full on, I can’t imagine feeling, hearing or any of my senses In my head. I know something is hot because I remember it hurt but I can’t seem to like create it in my mind.
Although tbh it’s kinda fun to interupt someone when they say “ok imagine that…” And I’m like “no”. (Usually in jest with someone I trust)
Technically I am alone where I am. Been that way for a while but thanks though.
Really nothing can be done right now. Government wants me in a cage. Nobody in my state sees me as a human being. So I guess society as a whole needs to change?
Horrible as usual, sorry for it being negative but you asked. Still stuck in my whole afraid to go outside, unable to get friends or anything around where I live. Just rotting inside bored AF.
Nope. Almost 40 and things just get progressively worse. Not privileged enough where I live
Iirc my email on proton is encrypted. I believe I set it up that way. Good provider for me.
I would be more careful on Feels like a lot of doesn’t like instances where they question things like capatilism and such. I have blocked more communities and users on them .ml.
But that’s my own personal experiences. Full of capatilism lovers and it’s annoying. Plus a lot of American propaganda too. Would block it but it’s the biggest instance so shrugs
Concentration camps for the “undesirables” I mean we already have them for immigrants. So next step is anyone who government doesn’t like.