but don’t you hate your life or makes it very miserable and tiring?
I mean, expecting everyone to fuck me over would make me angrier I believe, like going to work and constantly ruminate about how every coworker and client is going to ruin my day.
If you are a cynic, how do you don’t ruminate?
You need a different manager. Distancing yourself from the one you have doesn’t sound realistic: Their job is to not be distant.
I’m lost here: what is their job?
Most of my co-workers don’t like me. My boss doesn’t even like me.
if your boss makes clear he doesn’t like you, why are you still working there and why don’t you have plans to quit?
I mean I don’t understand why this is not a reason good enough to start looking for employment elsewhere. Don’t you find it tiring? don’t your coworkers and boss wear you down?
If my boss makes clear he doesn’t like me it’s only a matter of time before he starts treating me differently, giving me the worse assignments, refusing to acknowledge me…
This would affect me to the point of starting to hate that person.
There’s something seriously off about this story, and I can’t help but think you’ve left out some significant details.
not really, but feel free to think what you want.
I’m guessing you cursed out a coworker and not for the first time.
Not what happened.
there’s a difference between cursing the poor work done by a coworker and cursing a person that was there and wasn’t responsible for the dressing.
I don’t understand why you choose not to see the difference.
lucky you
why are you so easy to trigger?
I enjoyed reading your post, but Im the laziest sob to ever walk on earth and while I can promise to pay attention, I don’t believe I’m gonna follow through.
do you have any advice for me, now that I’m applying and might work elsewhere? Is there anything I could ask during interviewing to indicate I loathe drama, people full of themselves talking politics or conspiracies or openly discussing how vaginas look like?
I assume that’s an old pillowcase?
I’ve worked in jobs with plenty of downtime, but have never worked in one where I could just wander off to exercise or read a book openly. I was expected to be finding things to do or to at least appear busy and engaged.
good point, this changes the calculus
The only thing that maintains sanity is having something to do to distract yourself
I don’t see why reading or writing poetry don’t accomplish that
I don’t know if you’re complaining but if you are, I don’t understand you. I want to be you.
earning money doing almost nothing is meaningless? You earn money for doing nothing! and you cannot be fired, so…
do these jobs you got later pay you better?
right, 2014 mbp, 11.1, 8 GB RAM
thank you very much for your helpful post
calm down
but it’s officially on record that you’ll speak up while others quietly work
why would I want to work where people try destroying my credibility behind my back? This is not something I’m willing to overlook.
If HR acts like you described, if I’m that replaceable to them, so is my workplace.
The others don’t work quietly, btw.
ETA: wait, are you implying this is normalized? Employees do actually say nothing not to land in hot water, because they’re afraid of being fired and are willing to overlook the gossip and backstabbing for a check? Not for me.
if you want to call the partial occupation of 4 out of 24 oblasts a successful annexation, you may do that.
2/24 is the 2 year mark of the 3 day invasion. Yup, success.
thank you for this great advice