people do not quit jobs, they quit managers and I personally would like to quit some coworkers.
Basically the manager says in public that I’m good and passionate about the job but privately she writes the opposite. She never talked to me about what I need to improve, if anything. And then has the gall to tell me to trust her if I want to open up to her. Two faced, not to trust.
I only found out when another manager read to me what she wrote about me.
I was never good at playing office politics. FWIW I don’t like the job, I do it because I need money and I’m good at it.
Any reason is good enough to quit a job if you’re thinking of quitting.
What matters is how you feel going in each day.
I would advise when possible to not quit until you’ve got something else lined up however.
Your job isn’t loyal to you, why should you be loyal to your job?
The only answer here is “do what you want but make sure you have a plan”.
Every significant “raise” I have had in my life has been getting a new job. Do it. Quit. You’ll be better off with a new job and be happy you left
Comments like yours remind me why I’m so damn lucky and grateful for my job…
In February I’ll have been there 10 years, and my salary is almost 150% more than when I started (which was above $50k for context).
I’ve gotten annual ~3% “raises” each year, as well as one role change (+11%), two promotions (+25% and +13%), and a raise I pushed for (+12%). The first promotion, my boss literally called me on a Tuesday and said I had a new title and my raise was effective as of the Saturday before.
I share this to remind people these kinds of companies do exist, even if they’re the exception.
I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I got a >100% in 3 years from a >50k by switching companies. That being said I don’t think I would change my current job for a different one, if I ever get made a significantly higher offer elsewhere I’m more likely to use it as leverage to get a similar raise here, so I can definitely understand the not wanting to leave a given company.
Wish more young people understood this.
“bUT CaPitaListIsm!”
It’s a two-way street my friends. That evil employer paid you to gain experience and stack your resume. Wake the fuck up. Your labor is worth more than your take home pay. Take the money and run.
When my buddies and I moved to Florida, my guy went from a managerial position at a cable contractor to changing oil at Jiffy Lube. Every 6-months or so he’d hop up. In a few years he was making 6-digits.
That sounds like he was hopping down?
Not if the managerial position paid 50k and changing oil pays 150k
You need to leave.
This person is going to be a future block for you.
Be cordial as you can for two weeks, and honest as you’re comfortable on the exit interview (especially if you have receipts).
If you haven’t already started looking for another job, start now.
Don’t let them force you into a bad move. Bide your time, make your plans and split when it works for YOU.
Any reason you feel to leave a job is a good enough reason. Just make sure you have somewhere else already lined up before you hand in your notice.
it is always the people that make any job worth doing.
I found out a manager was doing exactly what you described and it was my last day. you might want to make it yours too even if you need to hang around long enough to line something else up, just check out and don’t give them any indication. I’ve had enough bad managers in my time to know you need enough savings to walk away immediately if they try to fuck with you.
You don’t need permission from the internet, if you’re asking the question you already know the answer.
Do you think this person will sign off on raises or promotions, or any other benefits?
Dump them. In your exit interview say, “manager has declined to comment on my performance, but has shared criticisms with other people. Understanding and improving the quality of my work is important, and I do not believe I am able to do that when facts are concealed from me.”
Doesn’t that entirely depend on your perspective for the future? Can you find a better workplace and is your situation going to improve? Then yes, do it. Is it going to get worse, or you take a massive hit considering salary or something? Then think what’s more important to you…
Just be sure to find another job before quitting. Always easier to find a job when you already have one.
If your manager is telling you that you are doing a good job and has no notes on your performance, but telling the higher-ups at the company or other management level employees something other than exactly that, it’s no longer an issue of respect at that point. Your work environment is toxic.
Start seeking other positions. Take your time and interview carefully - remember to ask good questions that will help you get an idea of whether or not it would be a place that you can enjoy working at, or at the very least tolerate on a day-to-day basis.
If they ask you why you are quitting, wait until your exit interview to spill any details about your manager going behind your back. Do not accept counter-offers for continued employment (retaliation is very likely if you do stay) and don’t bother trying to hash out any grievances with the person conducting your exit interview (their promises are almost never backed up by action, just hot air to get you to stay and trap you where you are). Walk in there confident knowing that you committed to changing jobs over this.
Agreed. There are really only two reasons managers do that. Either they want to deny raises or they want to fire you. Both need a paper trail, and neither is affected by what they say to coworkers. Either way it’s time to interview with other companies.
Work relationships are built on trust. This is a rough time to be looking for work, but in your case please consider finding another job and only then quitting this one.
I peaced out of a job almost 2 years ago, something very toxic as well, and I’m 100% better for it. I hope you can find an environment that’s better for you.
Start looking for another job.