I’m being very specific for a reason. I think I have a clue what family bond love is, but I don’t think I had experienced any type of romance in my 34 years of life.
I’m aware this answer will vary, but that’s why I’m expecting diverse answers and then I could make a sum of all of them, reaching an average and then distillate a final conclusion.
Hmmm, my best attempt at describing it is, to feel sad or upset in some way, if you could never see or interact with that person again. And if just being in the presence of someone is comforting in and of itself. I understand that’s not the in the moment feeling, it’s very hard to describe that, although there are ways to try, chemically, personally, anecdotally, etc. And I would say one way is not wrong over the other. But I like the retrospective approach of if I would be genuinely sad or upset if this person was snapped out of existence. If I feel like something profound has been lost if I were to no longer interact with that person. Then I know there’s real love for that person.
The closest I came was just pure trust, yeah you guessed it she cheated on me and I actually fell to my knees when I realised that. I still think it’s probably just being able to trust someone completely unfortunately that one probably wrecked me for life.
Don’t get me wrong I’ve had a lot of girlfriends etc since just have never trusted any of them and that’s probably what ruins things.
It feels like the other person was made for you, you just feel it with their vibes.
It’s different for everyone, but if someone gets in your head in a way that the first thing you think when you enjoy something is that you’d enjoy it even more if they were there to share it with you, to quote the big pizza pie, that’s amore! Or rather, it’s romantic feelings that are fertile ground for full blown love to grow from.
From there it’s all about how your emotions feel to you.
A mental disorder.
When you have been with someone for a long time it can feel a lot like family bond love but with more physical and emotional intimacy. Not everyone likes the idea of it in my culture but I think there is also an element of willing possession too.
It’s just oxytocin…
There’s no deep spiritual meaning/feeling.
Just oxytocin, dopamine, and some other shit.
Because of human variation, no two people will experience it exactly the same
That doesn’t really explain how it feels though.
Because of human variation, no two people will experience it exactly the same
Because it’s incredibly subjective.
I don’t disagree with you about how it functions but would you say that differentiates romantic love from love for family or a pet for example?
Yeah, theres lots of different kinds, English just uses one word because English is (by and large) a shit language.
The Greeks had like 5 or 6 different words, English just uses adjectives which is just as functional.
However language changes the way we think. And English being so lazy like this leads to people “rediscovering” shit over and over.
On a biological level, yeah, different things get different levels of different things.
It’s a constant cocktail of shit, so different things hit different, even just randomly sometimes for no reason
Love is just something that happens to you. You don’t get to understand it.
Having a romance makes you an expert on love the same way getting hit by a car makes you a mechanic.
When someone else’s happiness is requisite for your own.