I’m being very specific for a reason. I think I have a clue what family bond love is, but I don’t think I had experienced any type of romance in my 34 years of life.
I’m aware this answer will vary, but that’s why I’m expecting diverse answers and then I could make a sum of all of them, reaching an average and then distillate a final conclusion.
Hmmm, my best attempt at describing it is, to feel sad or upset in some way, if you could never see or interact with that person again. And if just being in the presence of someone is comforting in and of itself. I understand that’s not the in the moment feeling, it’s very hard to describe that, although there are ways to try, chemically, personally, anecdotally, etc. And I would say one way is not wrong over the other. But I like the retrospective approach of if I would be genuinely sad or upset if this person was snapped out of existence. If I feel like something profound has been lost if I were to no longer interact with that person. Then I know there’s real love for that person.