• imapuppetlookaway@lemmy.world
    8 hours ago

    The only time i tried online dating apps to the point of actually talking to another human i met a young woman and we exchanged a few messages then arranged a phone call. On the phone she wouldn’t stop talking. It was pretty amazing, this flood of words pouring from her. I supposed it was because she was nervous, but still - being pretty pessimistic about the whole online dating thing to begin with - figured this would never work out because her non-stop talking was starting to weird me out a little. Not in a terrible way, just a little.

    Anyway, she was going on and on about her job but was carefully avoiding any details that might identify where she worked, i guess so as to stay safe by not revealing too many personal details to a stranger. Somehow, though, I figured it out. She told me what area of the city she lived in, and i got enough details about the kind of work she did that i said something like: “Oh, you work at the Goodwill on blahblah street” and then there was dead silence. The flood of words stopped. We hung up soon after that. I felt really cool about guessing her workplace, like a detective, thinking i’d impressed her with my mind, but it wasn’t until years later that it dawned on me that i’d weirded her out even more than she weirded me out. A double oblivious weird out.

  • ikidd@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    First date with a girl: I open the car door for her when I pick her up. As she gets in, she hooks a hoop earing on the corner of the door and rips it out of her ear. The next 6 hours are getting her through ER to get stitched up.

    Funny enough, I did get a second date and we hung out for about a year after that.

    • weeeeum@lemmy.world
      24 hours ago

      As a guy who does woodwork, and other DIY stuff, I’d be terrified of wearing large earings if I were a girl. Heck I’m already terrified of wearing a ring.

      • ikidd@lemmy.world
        17 hours ago

        Heck, I don’t wear gloves around the drill press, even if the metal I’m working on is hot and sharp. I’ve seen what happens there.

        • weeeeum@lemmy.world
          29 minutes ago

          I never wear any sort of thick gloves, excluding gardening. I find that thick woven gloves only get your hands sucked into worse circumstances.

    • randint@lemmy.frozeninferno.xyz
      22 hours ago

      At first glance I thought the girl hooked the earring on the door and tore her ear to guilt you into paying the medical expenses on purpose, lol.

      • ikidd@lemmy.world
        17 hours ago

        Well, medical expenses aren’t a thing where I’m from, so probably not.

  • Alpha71@lemmy.world
    1 day ago

    I worked a security gig where I had to call into a phone call center every hour to show I was awake. I was there for three day and got to know the girl on the other end pretty well. We ended up almost talking the entire last night.

    We made arrangements to meet after we both got off work. I was incredibly nervous and my face had gotten itchy and i scratched it so badly my face swelled up. I had no way to get ahold of her to postpone our meet up. So we met and she freaked out at the sight of me and left. Never saw her again after that.

  • QualifiedKitten@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    I was living in a house with a few random housemates… people that I didn’t even meet until I had moved in. They were okay… nothing amazing, nothing too terrible. Somehow, the person I was on the date with realized that they used to know one of my housemates, and absolutely hated them, and wouldn’t stop talking about all of the reasons why my housemate was a terrible person.

  • General_Shenanigans@lemmy.world
    14 hours ago

    I was a teenager in high school. Late 90’s. I had never really been on a date of any sort before, so this is a first first date story.

    I met this girl online on AOL instant messenger. We chatted very frequently for a couple of weeks, then started talking over the phone almost every day. We were really hitting it off, so we started trying to figure out how to hangout together in person. Eventually, she invited me to come over to her house. I was stoked. She said she lived in a nearby suburb, and relayed some directions to me, which I wrote down on a piece of paper. It didn’t seem too far. She said her parents would be home, so my parents said it was ok for me to go over there. I mean, they were probably stoked I wanted to go see a girl too, as I’m pretty sure they were starting to think I was gay by then. I wasn’t, but that’s a separate messed-up story.

    An issue came up, though. Her parents said she couldn’t hang out unless she cleaned her room, as it was really messy. I said “No problem! I’ll help you clean it and we can hang out after!” Genius, right?

    Anyway, hormones firing on all 8 cylinders, I hop in the car and begin my journey. Turns out she didn’t really live in the city she said she did. That was just the nearest city to where she lived. I’m driving, driving, driving, further away from town thinking I’m lost, but I’m not. I remember turning around and doubling back a few times assuming I MUST have missed a turn. I did not yet own a cell phone to call and verify with her. Folks, the struggle was real back then, LOL. I just eventually followed the instructions as best I could, and eventually found my way. They were not good instructions. It was a miracle, really.

    I go up, knock on the door. She and her parents answer the door and let me in. These parents were weird. They were basically gushing to meet me and let me in, but were strangely stoic at the same time, if that makes any sense whatsoever. Whatever. But then, all of a sudden , these parents that were going to be there while we hung out suddenly grabbed all of their things and bounced. Drove off. Huh, weird. They just left this strange boy they’ve never met and their daughter alone in their house. Good thing I’m not a creep, I guess?

    This girl is grinning happy, but then gives a warning. She says her room is really messy. I say “It’s ok! My room gets messy sometimes, too! Let’s just attack it real quick and then we can hang out.”

    Narrator: No, the boy did not actually know what a real messy room was.

    We go in her room and I am shocked. I try not to show it, but it’s bad. Really bad. Every surface in the room is covered with stuff. No part of her floor is visible. Just clothes, toys, books, all sorts of stuff covering the floor, the bed, the shelves, the dressers. I take a moment to look around and take it all in. I’m already here. I’ve already agreed to help her with this, and I really want to get to the hanging out part. I clap my hands and say “Welp! Let’s grab some trash bags!”

    So I spend the next couple of hours at least helping straighten out this disaster zone. Now, you really get to know a person when you dig through all of their stuff. There were a couple of things of note. First, it became apparent that this had never been done. Ever. As we pulled up the strata of clothing and toys on the floor, it was like an archaeological dig. The further we got down, the smaller the clothing became. The toys looked like those of a child younger and younger. By the time we got to the bottom, there was toddler clothing. Once able to get under the bed, there were baby toys under there.

    At one point, I found a bible, and asked where she wanted to put it. Her eyes widened and she got very serious and placed it up on one of her shelves with the cover facing outward, on display. The manner in which she did this was a little creepy. Now, I was religious and had recently finished up Catechism at that point, so being happy to find your bible didn’t seem weird to me, but I found her a bit dramatic. Whatever. I keep going, and then I find a witchcraft book. SAME reaction. Eyes wide, she places it up next to the Bible. She then turns to me and says, “You know, sometimes, I feel like I’m a bit closer to the devil.”

    Like an oblivious character in a horror movie, I don’t get too freaked out. I’m like, dang, this girl is weird and has some issues or something. She starts talking about sex. Saying something along the lines of how she’s had it before, and wondering if I have or not. A lot of things were said by her that, out of context, may have been just a bit quirky. All together like that in that setting, though, I really wondered what was going on with this girl.

    Eventually, we finished the cleaning. Many bags of trash and old clothes and toys all bagged up. Vacuumed, dusted, bed made. It felt so good and clean and open. A sense of self satisfaction. She sits down on the bed with a weird look on her face. Looking down at the floor. I say, “Alright! Now we get to actually hang out! What would you like to do?”

    Her parents walk in the front door. She slaps her knees and says “Welp! It was nice hanging out! My parents said I could hang out until [this time], so you’ll have to go home now. Maybe we can hang out again soon!”

    Narrator: They would not.

    On my way out, I look around at the house once more. It seems normal. Clean. Very clean, even.

    We didn’t really chat anymore after that. I actually tried to, mainly out of curiosity and concern. I had questions at this point, as you would imagine. She no longer had interest in responding. I just hope she appreciated having her room be comfortable.

    • catbum@lemmy.world
      6 hours ago

      With the rest of the house being normal-to-very clean, it’s almost like the parents were never able to make her clean her room because she was a territorial “devil” child, and they just let it slide for years and years.

      Maybe what started as s genuine attempt at hangout ended up with her finally recognizing how embarrassing the situation was, leading to her cooling off during later chats?

      Either that or it was all an elaborate ruse to get the wild child a free room cleaning and the parents were somehow in on it and everyone except you in this story is actually nuts!

      Quite the spectrum of possibility, really. But honestly, I have a feeling your help might have helped her grow up and out of her family’s (or her own) neglect. It was a kind thing you did, regardless of the weird-ass circumstances!

  • sleepmode@lemmy.world
    1 day ago

    I said I had never eaten vegan food. She asked if I’d like to try it at her favorite restaurant. She then made a huge deal about me being “only” vegetarian as we ate. Stunned as she went on and on about what a terrible, ignorant person I was, I noticed there was something odd about her front teeth, like they were stained. I didn’t think much of it and tried not to stare. She also kept insisting repeatedly that it wasn’t a date. Ok, that’s fine, I said which only seemed to make her angrier.

    We get in the car, and I’m relieved it’s almost over. She looks in the rear view, and starts freaking out that I hadn’t told her she had lipstick on her teeth the entire time. I tried to explain I didn’t know what it was and didn’t want her to be self-conscious. Awkward silence as she drove me home. Next day I noticed she had blocked me on everything. Good riddance I guess.

      • sleepmode@lemmy.world
        10 hours ago

        I should’ve had my friend pick me up but this was the time before cell phones were ubiquitous. She had sort of cooled off near the end and had given me a mix tape. Thought maybe it was just bad timing. Wasn’t expecting her to go ballistic. Food was good though.

  • A_Random_Idiot@lemmy.world
    6 hours ago

    five minutes after meeting her, she went into a graphically detailed spiel about how her father sexually abused her as a child. and she was very upbeat, happy, and smiling as if it was a delightfully fond memory the entire time.

    I dont know what the end of the story is because by the time she got about, what i hope, was a quarter of the tway through, I had already been so completely creeped and skeezed out that I had developed a cold sweat, and I just got up from the table, said nope, and walked away.

    I was kinda fucked up for a short while afterwards.

    • lagomorphlecture@lemm.ee
      6 hours ago

      It’s good to be open with a prospective partner but my God at least wait till the appetizer gets to the table.

  • Smoogs@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    Worst date ever: Dude was drunk when I arrived on time. Apparently he arrived at the pub 3 hours earlier to just sit and drink. Claimed to be people watching the whole time.

    He was argumentative, obnoxious and creepy. Even bragged about people he was making uncomfortable in the bar.

    He said he Didn’t have a license to drive… likely because he lost it from drunk driving.

    Anyways I made up an excuse that I had to work early (he insisted to stay and keep drinking) and I left and blocked his contact as soon as I exited the pub.

    On another date the guy I think was homeless and couldn’t afford to go on a date which is not the bad part. We went around town and just went up elevators to look over the city scape. If anything that was a positive for him in that he was being innovative with his situation. The bad part was he was deep into the Rooshv bullshit. he started talking about how clever he was, making sexist comments about men and women and how they should be and making lewd comments about my body.

    As soon as we got to street level from the second building I said I had to go and tried to leave, he clamped a hand around my wrist to stop me but I used a bit of a self defence move to break free and wander into traffic to lose him.

  • Etterra@lemmy.world
    1 day ago

    I got stood up at the restaurant. This was back before online dating was the norm rather than the exception. It sucked, but I learned to get over that kinda thing.

  • hardcoreufo@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    Worst was this girl making an uncomfortable amount of eye contact the whole time. It was like she was trying to start her way into my soul. I’d make eye contact to talk but kept having to look away because she was just too intense. I would not be surprised if she was some sort of succubus or siren trying to drain my life force.

    After about an hour she asks if I have autism… I went to the bathroom and called one of my friends to vent. When I returned she asked if there was going to be a second date… There was not.

  • BonesOfTheMoon@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    He kept talking on the phone before the date about how short he was. I assured him it was ok. He really was very short in person but I’m not bothered by that kind of thing, but the way he kept talking about how he was shorter than me (and I’m short) through the whole date just made it so pointless and self centered. When he asked me out again I said I had met someone else and it was getting serious just to avoid going through that again. He didn’t attempt to get to know me at all, so what was the point?

  • multifariace@lemmy.world
    16 hours ago

    We went to walmart for her to buy fem-hy while telling me about her baby’s daddy freeloading in her home.

  • j4k3@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    Went out with this girl I really liked but brought a friend too just to make it less one on one and more casual. I really liked her and thought it went well. When I drove my friend home, in conversation, he told me I could do better. It was such a stupid destructive thought. All three of us were into the arts. He was into videography, she was photography, and I was painting airbrushed graphics on motorcycles. I dated her for a little while again later and more seriously, but my life was more of a mess then and it didn’t work out. That was one of my biggest mistakes in life; not realizing my lack of emotional depth and letting other’s opinions hold sway or weight. I partition my emotions now. I’m not sure how I feel in the moment. My first reaction is likely worthless, so “I’ll have to get back to you later” - is my usual response. People who whine about how everyone is about to lose their job at work, or tell me how I should feel about others are like giant red flags telling me to avoid them as toxic. Really, in a way I do not lack emotional depth as much as that part of my inner voice speaks quietly and I need to take the time to listen to it carefully. That girl and life lesson are the same thing to me; an abstracted patch, forever holding that part of my personality. When that red flag flies in my head, she is the one waving it; holding me back; telling me to think it through.

  • jpreston2005@lemmy.world
    12 hours ago

    I’ve been catfished no less than three separate times.

    Each one would post pictures of themselves that were either from when they were much younger, or in heavily contorted positions that hid their true proportions. I’m a very in-shape guy, and want my partner to be able to do things like hike/bike long distances with me, go climbing, outdoorsy stuff that I really enjoy.

    Each one I felt like I had a connection with, but the fact that they concealed this was ultimately what lead me to break things off (in an amicable but forthright manner - “I like you but you misled me with your pictures, and that’s not how a good relationship starts.”).

    But one had an extra flavor to it that makes it one of the worst.

    Met this girl on tinder, we hit it off, she tells me she’s a cam model and I’m like “whatever you gotta do to make that money,” because I don’t judge, and the pictures she was sending me were tastefully erotic and nothing too graphic. Think softcore porn with some bondage and cosplay. Anyway, we meet at a restaurant and she’s wearing this big baggy raincoat, and I can tell immediately that the pictures she was sending me were pretty old. Her hair was a different color, different length (I love short dark hair on a woman), and she’s at least 50lbs heavier. However I’m of a mind that even if a date doesn’t end in a relationship, you can still have fun and perhaps make a new friend, so I just go with it.

    We were there initially just to chat over drinks, but she orders an appetizer, a heavy entree (a pasta dish), AND a burger with fries. I helped eat the appetizer so she wouldn’t feel like she was eating alone, but I wasn’t hungry so that was it. It went OK, but halfway through the meal I realize I left my wallet at home, so I couldn’t pay. I end up buying a giftcard for the restaurant through a phone app in an attempt to at least pay for my portion of the meal, but the employees just could not care less, and she ends up covering it. I feel bad.

    Now she invites me back to her place, and I feel obligated to go. We get to her apartment, and who opens the door? her mom. In a nightgown, smoking a cigarette. Keep in mind this woman is at least 33.

    Her mom goes outside to smoke on the porch while she leads me to her bedroom (while grabbing a bottle of whisky). it’s the most disgusting bedroom I’d ever seen. Like, you could not see the floor for all the dirt and various debris. She pushes a pile of mostly clothes off the bed, and she invites me to lay down and watch TV with her. This is when she tells me that she’s gained weight because she recently broke her spine doing god-knows-what, and that she’s been recovering for almost a year now. She takes a slug of whiskey and takes down my pants, proceeding to contort her spine into a terrible position trying to give me a BJ. I couldn’t maintain an erection because of how worried I was about her spine, so I just kind of stopped her, got up, and left. Her mom waved to me from the porch as I walked out.

    Another horrible date where I wasn’t catfished-

    Met girl on Tinder, she’s super into me, to the point where I think she might have nefarious intentions. Like, we started talking and THAT night she wants to meet up. Red flags. She tells me she not only wants to hang out that night, but she wants to hang out AT MY PLACE. Another red flag. Then she tells me that she can’t drive to me because she doesn’t have a car. So her sister will drop her off at a parking lot where I can pick her up. I was letting my horny-ness dictate my decisions that evening for sure. I pick her up, and let her sister take a picture of my drivers license so she can rest easier.

    She hops into my truck and we’re headed back to my place. She whips out a bowl, packs it full of weed and starts hitting that thing like a champ, two hits and it’s gone. She doesn’t offer me any, but she does inform me that she’s on mushrooms and can have some of those if I want. I decline.

    We get to my house, and we’re hanging out in the kitchen talking. I put on background music (lofi hip hop beats to study and relax to lol) but for whatever reason she decides that it isn’t enough, and is streaming spotify on her phone, she informs me that she has 5 kids from 2 or 3 different dudes. She smokes like 3 more bowls from her chillum before inviting me to my own bedroom. We have sex, and at the moment of her climax, she yells to stick my thumb up her butt, it was dark and I couldn’t find it quick enough/hesitated to just shove it in there, and she seems very displeased. I tell her that I need to work early in the morning, and ask if I’ll be able to meet her sister in the same parking lot (it was on the way to work). She doesn’t really answer, but we turn in for the night. I offer her a new toothbrush so she can clean up before bed, she declines.

    In the morning she asks for something warm to wear, and I lend her my favorite hoodie. She says we can have sex again, but only if she’s my girlfriend, I decline. Then she tells me that her sister can’t pick her up, and I’ll have to drive her to her sisters house (where she’s staying with her 5 children). This house is an hour away. When we arrive I thank her for the evening, and make sure to get my hoodie back. I’m very late for work, but luckily nobody cares. I told her the next day I wasn’t ready to be a father figure, and left it at that.