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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • never take the internet as a reference, I went to Thailand last year and did not see anything weird.

    internet reality is not real life reality.

    if narrow minded people judge you for something you didn’t do just because of some generalised idea, then maybe is better not to be friends with those people. I’ve travelled alone and not alone to many places, and none of my friends ever thought ill of me.

    Whatever the internet kids think I really don’t give a shit, as you shouldn’t either.

    Man, I really hate gatekeeping.

  • I was with my family (mom, cousins, etc etc) in Thailand this summer too and we didn’t see anything weird either, and the country, food and temples were amazing, and everything was very safe. (it was very nice to see my mom and aunt/uncles, on their 60s, visit such exotic place, they had a wonderful time)

    But don’t get triggered, people that do memes like these are mostly teenagers that think that “old people” should just stay home. These people probably never went on vacation outside their country anyway, I always found out that people that have travelled abroad tend to be more open minded and do less generalisations.

    The only tragedy here is if someone is not aware of the rat kids on the internet, and memes/ideas like this prevent them to travel and see there is world out there, and is not as painted in the internet, everything is way more normal.

    So, if someone of any age reads this, I can’t talk for Philippines since I haven’t been there, but Thailand is amazing and not at all as painted here. Careful with the sun though, sunburns could be quite brutal.

  • I already unsubscribed and start sailing when the account share thing happened, but people are willing to take anything these days… so good for netflix I suppose.

    101 businessman logic: slowly stretch it until numbers go down, and then back down a bit, just to keep trying stretching it further in a later time. Repeat.

    infinite growth guaranteed.

    This is why at this point I don’t trust any subscription type thing, they are all destined to end up in that cycle, which, good for them, I think it’ll have to explode eventually, or not, who cares, I’m already out anyway

  • topperharlie@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule/rule
    8 months ago

    what about stop gatekeeping stuff and profiling people in very limited groups?

    I’m a “cis dude” who has many times dressed up with feminine costumes, I also have lots of gay friends, I like jazz dancing, love going to see a good ballet, have gone to pride parades as an ally, called out homophobic comments in casual conversations… but guess what? I think some costumes are beautiful and I don’t want to limit myself to the ones in one gender.

    I wouldn’t mind being approached with transition information, I would politely explain that is not for me, but I don’t like the tone of the meme assuming that if you cross dress for Halloween you are either a trans person or a “bro” that wants to hurt LGBTQ+ people.

    I’m going to go wild and assume that is American, which always is “all or nothing” for them, and everything is a fight. Sometimes people just want to have fun. Leave us the fuck alone with all these rules of what is appropriate and what is not and gatekeeping everything. The American left DEI mentality is anything but inclusive, and is very confrontational to the point of working against what it is suppose to defend. You sound like the catholics of the 19th century (or the right winger catholic freaks of America that I see on TV)

    my 2 cents. sincerely, an European left winger

  • I know that everyone and their mom are in the hype train of AI, but we still don’t know if its here to stay or not. Basing your whole strategy on a tech hype trend to the point of antagonising google… seems a bit too far fetch.

    sure today Reddit results are still a thing that makes sense, but is it really too big to fail? if they’re not in Google no significant amount of new users will sign up. between that, the exodus and other stuff wouldn’t the content rot relatively quickly?

    on the other hand social sites have huge inertia (still surprises me how many people are in twitter), reddit bros probably just wants to sell high to retire and the stock market bros are the dumbest people with a gambling addiction anyway… so the move might work…

    Man, I wish economy didn’t depend that much on the stock bros… reddit? IDGAF, they can succeed or fail, I don’t use it anyway, but the power these dumbs have globally is so scary.

  • that only the dudebros it mocks like it.

    or, hear me out, movies don’t need to be lectures and is ok to just do something for the entertainment/artistry/visuals/storytelling of it.

    I can tell you that I’m the opposite of what the movie depicts, I’m fragile, never been in a fight, I sincerely hope that will never be in one, I cried like a baby in ET or the time traveles wife, the Schindler’s list broke my heart, I dislike the dudebro dynamics, and I adore that movie. I also like horror movies as a genre and I don’t go around killing people.

    It’s fine that you use movies as lectures of life and ethics, or that you don’t enjoy them if they don’t have a message that you agree with, but some people like them for other reasons, so please try not to profile people for what they like to watch.

  • hmmm… are we checking the same page r/popular? normally there is a new post every X minutes and now in the main page there are several >8h posts… I think is definitely noticeable and obvious (not to mention the three posts with information about the protest on very popular subreddits)

    maybe you were expecting an empty page? that will never happen, if that would happen reddit admins would reopen subs or even upload random memes to new subs to make it “not empty”

    or maybe reddit has local content and we are seeing different r/popular, I’m in Europe